My view of children...
Bundles of joy awaiting their very own, beautiful, bountiful, wondrous unfolding towards their unique, life-giving potential
Being delightfully in tune with their wiring/their need to be embedded in safe, loving respectful relationships for this delicate unfolding to occur
Being instinctively driven to ensure they receive this love and security, in the best way that they can.
I see children as...
Play Therapy
Ages 3-8
Narrative Therapy:
Ages 8 upwards

Strengthening Parent-Child Relationship
through Play:
Ages 3-8
My view of teenagers...
I see teenagers as experiencing...
A time of noticing, working out, exploring and often struggling with their unique unfolding
A time of grappling with ideas, beliefs and values
A time of feeling vulnerable as they emerge as their own person
A time of temptation to soothe the discomfort of this process and become 'like others' rather than unique in themselves
A time of much needed space and nurture, of courage and understanding to step out with solidity in all their uniqueness.
My view of the role of parents...
I see parents as -
Being uniquely positioned to being able to meet their children's needs
Having the greatest opportunity to allow their beautiful, unique unfolding to occur.
Remarkable facilitators of mental well being, emotional health and resilience
Potentially having the hardest and most rewarding job that life can offer
The best source of protection of the development of their child's self esteem.
Parenting Consultation
Empowering you to facilitate this healthy growth and development in your child
To equip you to bring your child to a place of rest where they don't have to call out for their needs through behaviours that might push you away
To enable you to enjoy a rewarding, life giving, loving relationship with your child and delight in the beauty of their uniqueness.